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We are prominently located at the International Arrival lounge at theBauerfieldInternationalAirport- Port VilaVanuatu. As you clear customs we are on your immediate right hand side.
EuropcarVanuatu town office is located downtown on theLini Highwayat Melcoffee Area - Port Vila.
To contact us in either locations, please see below :
1.Bauerfield International Airport-Vanuatu:
EuropcarVanuatuBooth 1
Airport Arrival Lounge
Ph: (678) 5542280
2. Main Office:
Lini Highway
Next to Daily Post
Ph: (678) 26517
Mobile: (678) 5542280
Fax: (678) 25459
P.O.Box 2075 - Port Vila
Email: europcar@vanuatu.com.vu
Call our reservations team: europcar@vanuatu.com.vu